Texas State’s first Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute ( DMDII ) project was kicked off in the UI LABS headquarter in downtown Chicago on February 10th 2017.Dr. Farhad Ameri is the PI from Texas State on this project. The project is titled “Capability Modeling for Digital Factory (CaMDiF)”.
The objective this project is to enhance the intelligence and effectiveness of various supply chain decisions through providing real-time, dynamic insight into the technological capabilities, capacities, and quality history of manufacturing suppliers. This project will result in creation of a cloud-based software solution for manufacturing capability modeling and sharing supported by a formal ontology. This project is conducted in collaboration with the Applied Research Institute (ARI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (UIUC), Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies (ITAMCO), and the Innovation Machines. Texas State leads this project technically.