The first IOF (Industrial Ontology Foundry) )working group workshop was held in Buffalo in July 2018. The objective was to develop a tentative roadmap for the next few months. Below is the summary of the developed roadmap:
September 2018
– create mobi repository for IOF ontologies in OWL,
and use COLORE as home for Common Logic IOF ontologies (Stephen, Michael)
– distribute WG procedures document, including
– guide for using repositories in the context of IOF (Michael)
– draft of ontology review criteria (Michael)
– finalize Technical Principles document (Todd)
– Project Management Issues
– establish website for IOF (instead of GoogleDocs) (Melinda)
– coordination of WGs (including creation of new WGs) (Chris)
– mailing lists (Serm)
October 2018
– finalize current set of use cases from WGs
– initial set of proposed terms extracted from use cases
– competency questions for WG ontologies
– identification of overlapping terminology among initial WG ontologies
November 2018
– initial ontologies from WGs
Farhad Ameri chairs the Supply Chain working group.