Representing the structure of a supply chain with respect to its members and their roles and functions in a supply chain
Manufacturing and service supply chains
Primary Terms:
- Supplier
- Supplier Role
- Supply Chain System
- Manufacturing Supply Chain System
- Service Supply Chain System
- Group of Suppliers
- Supply Chain Agent
- Supply Chain Process
- Supply Chain Role
- Product Supplier Role
- Act of Supplier Evaluation
- Distributor Role
- Manufacturer Role
- Wholesaler Role
- Retailer Role
- Distributor Agent
- Manufacturer Agent
- Wholesaler Agent
- Retailer Agent
- Natural Language Definition : A supplier is a person or organization that sells goods or services to some other person or organization.
Supplier Role
- Natural Language Definition : A supplier role is a role a person or organization has when it provides a good or service to another person or organization.
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: Role an Agent has when it provides a product or service to another agent.
Supply Chain System
- Natural Language Definition: The global network used to deliver products and services from raw materials to end customers through an engineered flow of information, physical distribution, and cash.
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: An Engineered System comprising all agents, equipment, facilities, software systems, production systems, logistics systems, and other systems and resources, governed by a set of rules, designed and deployed with the function of delivering a product or a service to some customer.
Manufacturing Supply Chain System
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Supply Chain System whose members are agent in some Product Production Process that outputs some Manufactured Product
Service Supply Chain System
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Supply Chain System whose members are agent in some Service Provisioning Process that outputs some Commercial Service.
Group of Suppliers
- Natural Language Definition: A supply network is a group of organizations involved in trading and other business relationships with one another during the operation of specific supply chains.
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Group of Agents who are parts of some Supply Chain System and play causal role (are agent) in some Product Production Process that outputs some Product or in some Service Provisioning Process that outputs some Service.
Supply Chain Agent
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: An Agent who bears a Supply Chain Role in some Supply Chain System.
Supply Chain Process
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Planned Process that is an occurrent part of a Product Production Process or Service Provisioning Process and has at least one Supply Chain Agent as a participant.
Supply Chain Role
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Role that is borne by an Agent to supply Products or Services to other Agent in some Supply Chain System.
Product Supplier Role
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Supply Chain Role that is borne by an Agent to supply Products to other Agents in the supply chain.
Act of Supplier Evaluation
- An Act of Measuring that involves evaluating, assessing, estimating, or judging the capabilities of an Agent that is intended to become a part of a Supply Chain System.
Distributor Role
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Product Supplier Role that is borne by an Agent when it buys some Manufactured Product form a Manufacturer Agent and resells them to some Wholesaler Agents in a supply chain.
Manufacturer Role
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Product Supplier Role that is borne by an Agent to manufacture and sell some Manufactured Products to other Agents in some Supply Chain.
Wholesaler Role
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Product Supplier Role that is borne by an Agent when it buysvsome Manufactured Product from a Distributor Agent in a supply chain and resells them to Customers and Retailer Agents
Retailer Role
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: Role an Agent has when it engages in a selling some products to customers who are the end-users of the products.