Representing an organization through its structure, memberships, and functions and capabilities.
All type of organizations in the scope of IOF
Primary Terms:
- Organization
- Business Organization
- Manufacturing Business
- Team
- Department
- Business Function
- Industry
- NAICS Coding System
- NAICS Code Identifier
- NAICS Category Title
- Natural Language Definition : A Group of Agents that intends to realize or realizes some function, and which realizes them according to a set of organizational rules.
Business Organization:
- Natural Language Definition: An organization that intends to produce and sell products or services, or both, and is formed according to the laws of some local government, province, state, or nation state in which it has business operations.
Manufacturing Business:
- Natural Language Definition: Business Organization that intends to sell some Manufactured Product that is an output of some Product Production Process in which the entity plays a causal role.
Business Function:
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition: A Function that inheres in some Business Organization in virtue of that Business Organization being designed to be engaged in Planned Processes that require that Function to be realized and 2) the function exists because it is prescribed by some objectives that ‘is carried by’ the organization.
- Natural Language Definition: A Group of Persons that is part of some organization which is created to provide certain functions and achieve some objective of the organization and appears in the organizational hierarchy of that organization.
- Natural Language Definition: A Group of Persons that is be part of some department or organization which is formed to provide certain functions to achieve some objective of the department or organization
- Natural Language Definition: An industry is a group of organizations that are related based on their primary business activities.
NAICS Coding System:
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition:A Directive Information Content Entity that prescribes a coding scheme based on NAICS code structure.
NAICS Code Identifier:
- Semi-Formal Natural Language Definition:A code Identifier that consists of a string of characters that was created and assigned according to NAICS Coding System.