Undergraduate Courses:
TECH 2330 (Fundamentals of Material Removal): An overview of the micro and macro structure of materials is studied. Assessment of materials with regard to their chemical and mechanical properties and how these properties relate to machining is explored. Machining conditions with regard to feed, speed, surface finish, tooling requirements, horsepower capabilities, time, and cost analysis complete the class. Prerequisite: MATH 1315.
TECH 4395 (Automated Manufacturing Systems I): This course primarily deals with automation in industrial systems. In particular, this course focuses on automation and control technologies in manufacturing systems at machine and device levels. Included in its structure are areas such as fundamentals of industrial automation, sensors and actuators, numerical control, robotics, and PLC. Prerequisites: ENGR 1313, TECH 2310, TECH 1393 or Instructor’s Approval.
TECH 4396 (Automated Manufacturing Systems II): This course primarily deals with automation in industrial systems. In particular, this course focuses on automation and control technologies at a system level. This course includes topics such as simulation of manufacturing systems, flexible manufacturing systems, automated quality control, automated identification, and automated material handling. Prerequisites: TECH 4395
TECH 3345 (Principles of Lean Systems): This course provides an in-depth understanding of the lean principles as they apply to manufacturing, construction, and service organizations. Particular emphasis will be placed on tools, methods, and concepts used in lean systems such as Value Stream Mapping, 5S, kaizen, the seven types of waste, takt/cycle time, visual control, mistake proofing, single piece flow, cell design and pull systems. Prerequisites: TECH 4357 OR IE 4355
TECH 3357 (Facilities Planning and Design): Planning, design, and analysis of facilities. Emphasizes the principles and methods used for solving plant layout, facility location, material handling, automation, computer integration, and warehouse operations. Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) is adopted in this course.
TECH 4398 (Senior Design): This course deals with application of technical and non-technical skills and knowledge using a multidisciplinary team-based approach for solving real-world problems in the area of product and process development. The topics include systematic product development, development of business plans, project management; cost estimation, documentation and presentation, prototyping, fabrication, and concurrent engineering.
Graduate Courses:
TECH 5364 (Robust Product and Process Design): Provides the student with in-depth knowledge of inferential statistics as applied to design of robust processes and products. Topics covered include probability distributions, ANOVA, fractional factorial design, response surface method, orthogonal arrays, quality loss function, and Taguchi method. Prior experience with introductory-level statistics is assumed. Prerequisite: TECH 5394 with a grade C or higher.
TECH 5310 (Product Design and Development): This course provides an overview of the new product realization process. The focus is on the steps of systematic product design including problem identification, product planning, conceptual design, and embodiment design. Ulrich and Eppinger’s methodology is adopted in this course. Parametric CAD tools (such as Creo or SolidWorks) are employed for product modeling.
TECH 5391 (Advanced Manufacturing Systems): This course introduces students to various advanced tools, technologies, and strategies in modern manufacturing. An emphasis is placed on the state-of-the-art in factory automation, digital manufacturing, and global manufacturing enterprises. Topics include process automation and control, advanced manufacturing processes, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry4.0, intelligent manufacturing control, and information technology in manufacturing.
TECH 5394 (Design of Experiments – DOE): This course deals with the study of the fundamentals and applications of industrial experiments. Topics covered includes, simple and multi-linear regression, ANOVA, Factorial Design, Fractional Factorial Design, and Response Surface Method (RSM).